As these examples show, there are many cultural differences between Poland and Colombia that can cause problems for someone studying in Barranquilla, Poland. Initially, Poles are linear-active, which means they prefer to plan, organize, and work one at a time. Colombians are multiactive, which means they tend to do many things at once, fine-tuning routines and changing them depending on the situation. If Colombians do not adhere to set policies, deadlines, or priorities, this could lead to frustration or impatience in Poland. Poles are more individualistic than Colombians, indicating that they value autonomy and individual autonomy over group or family. Colombians are a more collectivist demographic than Poles, which means they value unity and loyalty to the group or family over individual autonomy This can make Poles confused or isolated should Colombians are more involved in the community, sharing their thoughts or feelings more, social activities with more They are expected to s...
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